Wednesday, June 21, 2006


In the am I did a 30 mile ride. From Goethe up and around Lake natoma. The plan was to keep it easy, not to get the heart rate up too high, and call it a "long ride".

Then in the pm, I went out with the tuesday kayak crew, and did a time trial down the river. I couldnt keep up with johnsrud, kevin, mcmannis or feldhaus. They were off the front and I couldnt hang with them. But the good news is that I went down the course in 36:37----one of the fastest times I've gone down that course. The water level was at like 5500 cfs.

Getting spankd yesterday was good motivation, I guess. it was a little dissapointing, and not ego boosting, but I gotta do some more work before that happens.

This week is a crash week. The idea of a crash week, is that you throw an unbelievable amount of work at the body----more than a lot----and it will adapt to it. This cant be done on a weekly basis, but cna be done for a short period of time like 1-2 weeks.